Backup and Recovery Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Introduction to Unix Operating System - Backup and Recovery

Backup and Recovery

A Backing of files is one of the generally crucial functions of the system administration. It must be carried and planned regularly at scheduled intervals. Backing of  files that means  making  copies  of  them,  commonly  on removable media, as safeguard in case the real get lost or damaged. A Backup should be performed on a regular basis.

Arguments for dump Arguments for Restore Command
Back Ups Comparison between Tar and Cpio
Copying Files to Diskette Using tar Copying Files using Cpio Command
Cpio Command Dd Command
Dump Example of Dump and restore
How to copy data in temporary file Mt Command
Restore Restoring Files using Cpio Command
Restoring Files using Tar Show Content of floppy using Tar
Tar Command Tar Command to create Backup
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