Structured Programming Assignment Help

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Structured programming (Pascal and C)

Structured programming is evolved as a mechanism to address the growing issues of programming   in   the   large. Superior   programming   projects   consist   of   large development teams, developing various parts of the similar project independently. Figure shows Programs consist of multiple and in turn every module has a set of functions of associated types.

  1. Structured programming is based on the algorithm rather than data
  2. Programs are separated into individual modules which perform various task.
  3. Controls the scope of data
  4. Support modular programming
  5. Overview of user defined data types

Technically, a structured language allows procedures and functions to be declared inside other functions or procedures, and thus cannot formally be known as a block- structured language. Therefore, it is referred to as structured languages such as Pascal, ALGOL and the likes.

Structured programming permits compartmentalization of data and code. This is a unique feature of any structured language.  This programming language  refers  to  the  ability  of  a language  to  section  off  and  hides  all  information and  instructions necessary  to perform a specific task from the rest of the program. Code could be compartmentalized in C++ by using functions or code blocks. The Functions are used to define and code separately, a special tasks needed in a program. This permits programs to be modular. A Code block is a logically connected group of program statements which is treated such as a Unit

1383_structured programming.png

Module 1       Module 2       Module3

Figure: Structured Programming

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