Advantages of OOP Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming - Advantages of OOP

Advantages of OOP

  1. By inheritance we can eliminate redundant code and extend the use of existing classes.
  2. We can build programs from the standard working modules which communicate with one another rather than having to begin writing the code from scratch. This will directs to saving of development time and higher productivity.
  3. The main principle of data hiding will helps the programmer to build secure programs which cannot be invaded through code in other parts of the program.
  4. It is possible to have various objects to coexist without any interference.
  5. It is simple to partition the work in a project based on objects.
  6. A data centered design approach enables us to capture more details of a model in an implementable form.
  7. Object-oriented systems can be simply upgraded from small to large systems.
  8. Message passing methods for communication among objects make the interface descriptions within external systems much easier.
  9. Software complexity can be simply managed.
  10. Dynamic binding increases flexibility through permitting further of a new class of objects without having to modify the existing code.
  11. In conventional languages as well Code reuse is possible, but Object Oriented languages greatly enhance the possibility of reuse.
  12. Object Orientation provides several other benefits in the production and maintenance of software; high degree of code sharing.
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