Mounting a Floppy Disk and CD Rom Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Introduction to File System - Mounting a Floppy Disk and CD Rom

Mounting a Floppy disk and CD ROM

The CD ROM and floppy disk can be mounted as displays given below:


# mount /dev/device /directory/to/mount

Practice 1

The given example describes the mounting of a floppy disk.

# mount           /dev/fd0 /mnt

/dev/fd0 is the name of the floppy device for mounted and the floppy is mounted on the /mnt directory.

Practice 2

The given example describes the mounting of a CD ROM disk

#          mount  /dev/cdrom0 /mnt

/dev/cdrom0 is the CD ROM device to be mounted and the CD ROM is mounted on the /mnt directory. For access the CD ROM disk they describe should be finished:

# cd     /mnt

# ls

# umount /mnt

# eject cdrom0

Note: The eject command is used to eject the CD ROM. The CD has to be unmounted by using the umount command before ejecting the CD ROM.

Whole the mounted File System information will be stored in, /etc/mnttab in Sun Solaris and in, /etc/mnttab in SCO Unix.

Linux uses a special file known as /etc/fstab. This file lists all the partitions which require to be mounted at boot time and the directory where they required to be mounted. Along with that data parameters to the mount command can be passed.

Every File System to be mounted is listed in the /etc/fstab file in the subsequent format:

/dev/device      /dir/to/mount   ftype    parameters       fs_freq fs_passno

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