Displaying Size of Files Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Introduction to File System - Displaying Size of Files

Displaying the Size of Files

You can check the size of files and sort them through using the ls command. You can search files which exceed a size limit through using the find command.

Modify the directory to where the files you need to check are located. Show the size of the files.

Let consider the given example

The given example displays that wtmp, lastlog and wtmpx are substantially bigger than the other files in the /var/adm directory.

#cd /var/adm

#ls -l   

total 434         

-r-r-r-       1          root      other    585872 Jan      26        14:53   lastlog

drwxrwxr-x     2          adm     adm     512 Dec           2          16:35   log

-rw-r-r-       1          root      other    562 Jan            3          13:13   messages.3

drwxrwxr-x     2          adm     adm     512 Dec           2          16:35   passwd

drwxrwxr-x     2          adm     sys       512 Jan            26        11:38   sa

-rw-rw-r-       1          adm     adm     125736 Jan     26        14:53   wtmpx

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