Deleting Crash Dump Files Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Introduction to File System - Deleting Crash Dump Files

Deleting crash dump files

Crash dump files can be extremely large, so, they should not be retained for longer than necessary if a user has enabled the system to store these files.

The user should become the superuser to delete the crash dump files. After that, the user should modify the directory where crash dump files are as shown given below.

Modify to the directory where crash dump files are stored.

# cd /var/crash/system

System            - it refers to the system that created the crash dump files.


It should be ensured that the user in the right directory before completing the next steps. The next step deletes the files in the current directory.

The crash dump files can be removed as display below.

# rm *

If the crash dump files are removed it can be verified as follows

# ls

Consider the following example

The next example shows how to remove crash dump files from the system lambent and how to verify that the crash dump files were actually removed.

# cd /var/crash/lambent

# rm *

# ls

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