Clearing Temporary Directories Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Introduction to File System - Clearing Temporary Directories

Clearing out Temporary Directories

To enable the clearing of short-term directories the user should become the superuser and then the directory should be modified as given below.

# cd /var/tmp


It should be ensured in which the user is in the right directory before done the next step. The next step deletes all files in the current directory.

The subdirectories and files can be deleted in the current directory as given below.

# rm -r *

The user can modify to other directories holding temporary or obsolete subdirectories and files and delete them through repeating Step 3 above.

Consider the following example

The given example displays how to clear out the /var/tmp directory and verifies in which all files and subdirectories were removed.

# cd /var/tmp

# ls

deadfiles         wxconAAAa0003r:0.0           wxconAAAa000NA:0.0

test_dir                        wxconAAAa0003u:0.0           wxconAAAa000cc:0.0


# rm -r *

# ls

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