Checking Size of Directories Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Introduction to File System - Checking Size of Directories

Checking the Size of Directories

Subdirectory and files can be show by using the du command and its options. The amount of disk space taken up through user accounts on local file system can be found. The Sizes are displayed in 512-byte blocks.

Let consider the following instance

# du /var/log /var/cron

4          /var/log

3250    /var/cron

Let consider the following example shows the sizes of two directories, all of the subdirectories and files they hold, and the total number of blocks contained in every directory.

# du -a /var/log /var/cron

0          /var/log/authlog

0          /var/log/syslog

2          /var/log/sysidconfig.log

4          /var/log

3248    /var/cron/log

3250    /var/cron

Let consider the following instance displays the total sizes of two directories.

# du -s /var/log /var/cron

4          /var/log

3250    /var/cron

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