Financial Institutions Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Introduction to Economics - Financial Institutions

Financial Institutions:

Financial institutions are the main channel by which funds flow from the sectors of the economy with surplus funds to other sectors with insufficient funds to ensure efficient utilization of such resources in the promotion of economic growth and development.

Financial institutions may be broadly divided into two groups - banking and non- banking financial institutions. The banking institutions include commercial and merchant banks, development banks, and the Central Bank. On the other hand, the non-banking institutions include insurance companies, equipment - leasing companies, hire - purchase companies, building societies, discount houses, etc.

However, it is important to note that the legal framework within which the financial institutions operate in an economy varies from one country to the other.

Commercial and Merchant Banking Comparison between Commercial and Merchant Banks
Concept of Universal Banking Creation of Money By Commercial Banks
Development Banking Discount Houses
Finance Companies Foreign exchange services
Functions of Merchant Banks Granting loans and advance
Insurance Companies Monetary Policy
Money And Capital Markets Providing international trade service
Traditional Functions of the Central Bank
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