DBA's Roles:
As a database administrator, your responsibilities can involve:
- upgrading and installing the ORACLE Server and application tools
- to allocating system storage and planning future storage needs for the database system
- creating main database storage structures (tablespaces) once application developers have designed an application
- creating main objects (tables, views, indexes) once application developers have designed an application
- modifying the database structure, as must from information provided by application developers
- uphold system security and enrolling users
- With your ORACLE license agreement ensuring compliance
- Monitoring, controlling user access to the database
- optimizing, monitoring the performance of the database
- planning for recovery and backup of database information
- maintaining archived data on tape
- restoring and backing up the database
- for technical support contacting Oracle Corporation
To finish administrative tasks in ORACLE, you require extra privileges both within the database and possibly in the operating system of the server on that the database runs. This section defines the privileges you required and database security facilities of that you should be aware.
Note: Access to a DBA database administrator's account should be strongly controlled.