Estimate reactions at bearings Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Introduction to Balancing - Estimate reactions at bearings

Estimate reactions at bearings:

A shaft of circular cross-section of diameter 50 mm is supported in two bearings at a distance of 1 m. A mass having 20 kg is attached to the shaft such that its centre of gravity is equal to 5 mm from the axis. The mass is located at a distance of 400 mm from left hand bearing. To ignore unequal wearing of bearings, the designer places the mass in the centre of the span. Estimate reactions at bearings, maximum bending moments (BM) and bending stresses if the shaft rotates at 750 rpm.


715_Force On Shaft.png

The force caused on shaft due to rotation = F

ω= 2π N /60 = (2π× 750)/60 = 78.54 rad/s

ω= (ω / g )ω2 r

Use M= 20 kg, ω = 78.54 rad/s, r = 5 × 10- 3 m

F = 20 × (78.5)2 × 5 × 10- 3 = 616.85 N

(a)    Case I

Mass at a = 400 mm from left hand (LH) bearing

b = 1000 - 400 = 600 mm

a + b = 1000 mm

A - left, B - right hand bearing

∴             RA  =  (b/a + b) F =

                                = (600/1000)× 616.85

 Or   RA  = 370.1 N


 and RB  = F - RA  = 616.85 - 370.1


 And RB  = 246.74 N

∴ Maximum BM = RA. a = 370.1 × 400

or            BM  = 148.04 × 103  Nmm

Bending stress is given by following

σ  = 32 BM/ π d3

where d = 50 mm = shaft die

σ b  = (32 × 148.04 / π× (50)3) × 103     

or σb  = 12.06 N/mm2

Case II

 Mass at the centre of span, that means a = b = 500 mm

∴             R A   = R B = F/2 = 616.85/2 = 308.425 N

∴ Maximum BM, (F/2) × a = 308.425 × 500 = 154.213 × 103 Nmm

∴ σb =32 BM/ π d3

= ((32 × 154.213)/ π× (50)3) × 103

σb = 17.35 N/mm2

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