Flow Path Design
The flow path design is one of the most significant processes in the AGVS design. Some important decisions involved in flow path design are following:
- Type of guide path layout.
- Flow path within the layout.
- The number & locations of load transfer points.
- Load transfer function station storage space.
Areas of application of the AGVS find out the critical issues as guide path layout, P/D (Place and Delivery) location points, & load transfer station storage space. Although, the complexity of controls & economic considerations effect the direction of flows.
Vehicle blocking, congestion, and unloaded vehicle travel are the issues to be taken into consideration and based on the number of the vehicles and the requests for vehicles from several pickup & delivery stations. Simulation is utilized to develop the realistic design under aforementioned circumstances. The type of information needed for developing a simulation model would include layout of departments, aisles, position of load transfer stations, and charts have the material flow intensities among departments.