Problems of developing countries with WTO:
Generally the existence and operation of multilateral trade rules should be of advantage to the developing countries that are the weaker partners in the system. Arule based system is specially of advantage to those members that do not have much economic, strategic and political clout. Multilateral rules are meant to provide an umbrella of collective security.
But the experiences of the developing countries in the multilateral trading system have not been altogether happy. Though they derive some benefits from the system, their general feeling is that the system has been used by the major developed countries to derive benefits for themselves, often at the cost of the developing countries. Partly this plight of the developing countries is because of the pressures from the developed countries driven by their short term self- interest, but to some extent it is also because of the action and inaction of the developing countries themselves. It is important for the developing countries to analyse these problems so that they can use their strength and maximise their benefits in the system.