Advantages of International Trade Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> International Trade and Finance - Advantages of International Trade


(i) It leads to increase total world production of goods and services. International trade based on comparative cost advantage allows countries to specialise in what they can best. This allows for increase in output and invariably increases in the volume of total world output.

(ii) It leads to efficiency in use of world resources. International trade is based on

specialization in what you can do best. This means each country involved in international trade uses the resource available to her in the most efficient way and hence world resources are efficiently used.

(iii) It leads to availability of variety of goods and services. International trade makes

citizens of nations to consume goods and services their resources cannot be used to produce.

(iv) International trade leads to economies of scale. International trade leads to increase output and firms involved in producing for exports may enjoy cost reducing advantages that go with increased output.

(v) International trade brings about interdependence. This, politically, may help a nation to be conscious of the existence of other nations. The interdependence of nations helps promote good neighbourliness.

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