Concept of Comparative Marketing Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> International Marketing - Concept of Comparative Marketing

Concept of Comparative Marketing:

Because the environment for Marketing decision making vary from society to society, marketing strategies should be tailored to fit each different environment, if they are to achieve optimum results. But it would be extremely costly to design a strategy for each market entered. Comparative marketing, by providing for comparison between markets gives marketers a basis for grouping nations with respect to common characteristics. So nations may be grouped into either capitalist, socialist or communist and further according to levels of development. Marketers for instance may find that groups of nations with similar economic characteristics may be penetrated with generally similar marketing strategies.

The multinational corporations for example minimise the importance of national boundaries whenever it is legally and culturally possible by developing their strategies on economic terms. These corporations remain generally apolitical with their loyalties to their shareholders wherever they are located rather than to any one country.

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