Line Vs Staff Conflict Assignment Help

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Line Vs Staff Conflict

Line managers are those in charge of main operations of an organization while staff managers are those in advisory or supportive positions to provide line managers with specialized and expert services as may be required.

Line personnel are usually generalists while staff personnel are usually specialists. Conflicts between line and staff are quite common. These conflicts arise from the sources already discussed as well as the following:

i. Territorial Encroachment

In general the staff personnel advises the line person. Often conflict arises when the line personnel feel that staff advice is taken too far while staff on the other hand may feel that they have a responsibility and right to give the advice.

ii. Conflicting Loyalties

Staff specialists may get into conflict with line personnel because what line personnel may require them to do in the interest of the organization may conflict with professional ethics of the staff personnel. This is especially so when the staff specialists want to adhere to a professional order that conflicts with tasks assigned by the organization.

iii. Separation of Knowledge and Authority

Some line executives may not have sufficient knowledge to carry out their responsibilities and may depend on lower ranking staff advisers to furnish them with the appropriate information. Such cases where higher authority lacks the necessary knowledge and has to rely on his juniors for knowledge may be a source of conflict between the groups.

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