Original isotope:
In this notation, the original isotope that undergoes the reaction is written first, the product isotope is last, and the two are separated by, in order, the particle absorbed and the particle emitted. The isotope 167N decays to 168O with a 7.13-second half-life by emitting a beta particle (β-) and a high-energy gamma ray (6 Mev predominantly).
167N→ 168O + β- +γ
Oxygen-17 undergoes a similar reaction.
178O (n, p) 177N (t1/2 = 4.1 seconds) (3-18)
The isotope 177N decays by emission of a beta particle, a neutron, and a gamma ray.
177N→168O + β-+ 10n +γ
Reactions (3-17) and (3-18) have no important chemical effect on reactor coolant since of the associatively small number of atoms which undergo these reactions. Those are of considerable importance; therefore, since the radioactive species 167N and 177N are carried outside the core region through the flow of reactor coolant. The neutrons and high-energy gamma rays emitted through these isotopes simply penetrate the piping and components which hold the coolant and are significant considerations in the design of shielding for nuclear facilities. Since the half-lives of these isotopes are extremely short, they decay to low levels extremely rapidly after shutdown and are, thus, of little concern during such periods.