Reduction of risk Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Insurance choice and risk - Reduction of risk

Reduction of risk:

Risk Pooling:

Risk pooling is mechanism to defray risk. Its operation depends on the Law of Large Numbers.

Law  of  large numbers: In  repeated  independent trials with probability  p  of success in each trial, the chance that the percentage of success differs from the probability  p by more them a fixed positive amount  e ≥ 0 converges to zero as number of trials  n  goes to infinity for every positive  e .  If you recall from the probability theory covered  in MEC-003,  the  toss of a fair coin n times will yield an expected value of  1/2  for getting a head as n -> ∞  .  Along with it, the variance  (see Appendix at the end) will tend  to decline. Therefore, while we cannot predict the number of heads when a coin is tossed once, we can do so with, say,  10,000 tosses. Thus,  the  lesson  is,  by pooling  many  independent risks, insurance companies can treat uncertain outcomes as almost certain.  

Risk Spreading Risk Transfer
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