Reduction of risk:
Risk Pooling:
Risk pooling is mechanism to defray risk. Its operation depends on the Law of Large Numbers.
Law of large numbers: In repeated independent trials with probability p of success in each trial, the chance that the percentage of success differs from the probability p by more them a fixed positive amount e ≥ 0 converges to zero as number of trials n goes to infinity for every positive e . If you recall from the probability theory covered in MEC-003, the toss of a fair coin n times will yield an expected value of 1/2 for getting a head as n -> ∞ . Along with it, the variance (see Appendix at the end) will tend to decline. Therefore, while we cannot predict the number of heads when a coin is tossed once, we can do so with, say, 10,000 tosses. Thus, the lesson is, by pooling many independent risks, insurance companies can treat uncertain outcomes as almost certain.