Solvent Supply System Assignment Help

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Solvent Supply System:

Nature and composition of mobile phase in LC plays an important role as it provides a dimension in terms of retention time for experimental manipulation. In case of HPLC, high purity solvents without any dissolved gases should be used because any impurity may affect the retention time and hence separation of the constituents. The eluent system consists of reservoirs from which one or more solvents can be selected.

Essential features of a modern HPLC system includes flow control and inlet filter through a Millipore filter under vacuum. In addition degassing facility such as a supply of an inert gas is a must. It helps in removing dissolved gases that may have adverse effect on the column performance. The general criteria for the selection of a mobile phase are:

  • That should dissolve the sample.
  • That should keep the column stable.
  • That should be compatible with the detector.
  • That should be immiscible with the stationary phase.
  • That's viscosity should not be high.
  • Active fluorides should be prevented when using glass column.


Gradient Elution Solvent Strength Parameter
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