Using Super to Call Superclass Constructors Assignment Help

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Using super to Call Superclass Constructors

A subclass could call a constructor method defined through its superclass via use of the following form of super which is

super(parameter - list);

In the form a parameter-list specifies any parameters required through the constructor in the superclass. A super ( ) must always be the first statement executed within a subclass' constructor.

To look how super ( )   is used, let consider this improved version of the BoxWeight( ) class:

//BoxWeight now uses super to initialize its Box attributes.

class BoxWeight extends Box {

double weight; // weight of box

// initialize width, height and depth using super ( )

BoxWeight (double w, double h, double d, double m) {

super (w,h,d); // call superclass constructor

weight = m;



Here BoxWeight( ) calls super ( ) along with the parameters w, h and d. This causes the Box( ) constructor to be called, that initializes height, width and depth using these values. A BoxWeight no longer initializes these values itself. It only requires initializing the value unique to it: weight. This leaves Box free to make these values private if desired.

Within the preceding example, super ( ) was called along with three arguments. Because constructors could be overloaded, super( ) could be called using any form defined through the superclass. A constructor executed will be the one which matches the arguments. For instance here is a full implementation of BoxWeight which gives constructors for the several ways in which a box can be constructed. In each case, super ( ) is called using the appropriate arguments. For instance, here is a complete implementation of BoxWeight which provides construction for the several ways in which a box can be constructed. Within each case, super ( ) is called using the suitable arguments. Remember that width, height and depth have been made private inside Box.

// A complete implementation of BoxWeight.

class Box {

private double width;

private double height;

private double depth;

// construct clone of an object

Box (Box Ob) {

width = Ob.width;

height = Ob.height;

depth = Ob.depth;


// when all dimensions specified constructor used

Box(double w, double h, double d) {

width = w;

height = h;

depth = d;


// when no dimensions specified constructor used

Box( ) {

width =-1; //use -1 to indicate

height =-1; // an uninitialized

depth = -1; //box


// when cube is created a constructor used

Box(double len) {

width = height = depth = len;


//compute and return volume

double volume( ) {

return width *height * depth;



// BoxWeight now full implements all constructors

class BoxWeight extends Box {

double weight; // weight of box

// construct clone of an object

BoxWeight (BoxWeight Ob) { // pass object to constructor


weight = Ob.weight;


// when all parameters are specified using constructor

BoxWeight(double w, double h, double d, double m) {

super(w,h,d); // call superclass constructor

weight = m;


// default constructor

BoxWeight ( ) {

super( );

weight = -1;


// when cube is created constructor used

BoxWeight (double len, double m) {


weight = m;



class DemoSuper {

public static void main(String args[ ]) {

BoxWeight mybox1 = new BoxWeight(20, 10, 34, 34.3);

BoxWeight mybox2 = new BoxWeight(3, 4, 2, 0.076);

BoxWeight mybox3 = new BoxWeight ( ); // default

BoxWeight mycube = new BoxWeight (3, 2);

BoxWeight myclone = new BoxWeight(mybox1);

double vol;

vol = mybox1.volume( ) ;

system.out.println("Volume of mybox1 is "+ vol);

system.out.println("Weight of mybox1 is " + mybox1.weight);

system.out.println( ) ;

vol = mybox2.volume( ) ;

system.out.println("Volume of mybox2 is "+ vol);

system.out.println("Weight of mybox2 is " + mybox2.weight);

system.out.println( ) ;

vol = mybox3.volume( ) ;

system.out.println("Volume of mybox3 is "+ vol);

system.out.println("Weight of mybox3 is " + mybox3.weight);

system.out.println( ) ;

vol = myclone.volume( ) ;

system.out.println("Volume of myclone is "+ vol);

system.out.println("Weight of myclone is " + myclone.weight);

system.out.println( ) ;

vol = mycube.volume( ) ;

system.out.println("Volume of mycube is "+ vol);

system.out.println("Weight of mycube is " + mycube.weight);

system.out.println( ) ;



This program generates the output:

Volume of mybox1 is 2000.0

Weight of mybox1 is 34.3

Volume of mybox2 is 24.0

Weight of mybox2 is 0.076

Volume of mybox3 is -1.0

Weight of mybox3 is -1.0

Volume of myclone is 3000.0

Weight of myclone is 34.3

Volume of mycube is 27.0

Weight of mybox1 is 2.0

Pay special attention to that constructor within BoxWeight( );

// construct clone of an object

BoxWeight(BoxWeight Ob) { // pass object to constructor


weight = Ob.weight;


Note that super ( ) is called along with an object of type BoxWeight - not of type Box. That still invokes the constructor Box (Box ob). As mentioned previously, a superclass variable could be used to reference any object derived from that class. Therefore, we are able to pass a BoxWeight object to the Box constructor. Of course, Box only knowledge of its own members.

Let's review the key concepts behind super ( ). Whenever a subclass calls super( ), it is calling the constructor of its instant superclass. Therefore, super( ) always refers to the superclass immediately above the calling class. This is true even in a multileveled hierarchy.  Also,  super(  )  must  always  be  the  first  statement  executed  within  a subclass constructor.

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