Definition: Given the discount factor 6, the present value of the infinite sequence of payoffs n1, n2, n3,. is given by

Let us consider the infinitely repeated prisoners' dilemma, where the payoff of the players is the present value of the player's payoff from the stage games. The discount factor is d for both the players. We want to show that cooperation, that is, (Ml, M2) can occur in every stage of a sub-game-perfect outcome of an infinitely repeated game, even though the only Nash
equilibrium in the stage game is cooperation, which is (L1, L2).
Suppose the i" player begins the infinitely repeated game by cooperation and then cooperates in rest of the periods if and only if both the players have cooperated in the previous stages of the game. Formally, the strategy of the ith player is Play Mi in the first stage In the tth stage if the outcome of all the preceding (t-1) has been (MI, M2) then play Mi in the th stage otherwise play Li, (i = 1, 2) (This type of strategy is called a trigger strategy). If both the player follows this trigger strategy,
then the outcome of the infinitely repeated game would be (MI, M2) in every stage of the game. Now we will prove that given some conditions on the value of d, the above trigger strategy is a Nash equilibrium of the infinitely repeated game, and such an equilibrium is sub-game-perfect.
To show that the above described trigger strategy is a Nash equilibrium of the game, we have to show that if the player i adopts the trigger strategy, the best response of the player j is to adopt the same strategy. The present value of the payoffs that will be generated, for the jth player, if both of the players stick to the trigger strategy is given by

If the jth player deviates from the trigger strategy, that is, she plays LJ in the first stage, which will eventually lead to non-cooperation from player i in the second stage (Li) and consequently from player j (Lj) also, the discounted payoff of the jth player is given by (the payoff of the first stage for the jh player would be 5, as the ith player in the first period following her trigger strategy will play Ri, and for the remaining periods the payoff of the jth player would be 1)

Therefore, playing Mj, or following the trigger strategy is optimal for the jth player given that the ith player sticks to her trigger strategy if and only if

Therefore, the trigger strategy is the Nash equilibrium for both the players if and only if δ>1/4.
Now we are in a position to formally define an infinitely repeated game, history, strategy and sub games of an infinitely repeated game.