Definition of Infinitely Repeated Game:
Given a stage game G, let G (m, d) denote the infinitely repeated game in which G is repeated forever and all the players have the same discounting factor denoted by a. For each t (t is a positive integer), the outcomes of the t-l previous plays are observed before the tth stage begins. Each player's payoff in G (m, d) is the present value of the player's,payoff from the infinite sequence ofthe stage game.
History of an Infinitely Repeated Game: In the finitely repeated game G(T) or the infinitely repeated game G (m, d), the history of play through stage t is the record of the player's choices in the stage 1 through t. Strategy of an Infinitely Repeated Game: Notice while defining the repeated game in section we used the notation
while in previous units we described a static game of complete information as
remember Si is in a static game of complete informatim implies strategy spaces whereas the Ai s in a dynamic or repeated game of complete information implies the action space. The players might have chosen (al ,, a21, as,,. . . anl) in stage 1 (suppose there are n players) and
and so on. For each player i and for each stage s, the action a,, belongs to the Action space Ai. Thus, in an infinitely repeated game there is a difference between strategy and actions. In a finitely repeated game G(T) or an infinitely repeated game G (m, a), a player's strategy specifies the action the player will take in every stage of the game, for each possible history throughout the game. So, strategy is a complete plan of action. It is defined for each possible circumstance and for every stage of an infinitely repeated game.