Poverty and Nutrition Assignment Help

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Poverty and Nutrition:

The basic requirement for survival is  sufficient nutrition which not  only  enables a person  to  live a healthy life but also enables  him/her  to  participate actively  in improving  his economic  and social well being.

Chronic diseases due to malnourishment put a heavy toll on creative abilities of people.  In particular, childhood malnutrition hampers proper growth of children, which finally becomes an impediment to their physical, intellectual and emotional development.

Globally, the decade of 1990s is considered a decade of jobless growth, which means economic growth, has taken place, but employment growth has stagnated. This has forced a large number of people to stay unemployed or take up low paying jobs in the unorganized sectors. We have been witnessing a paradox of poverty with growth. This brings into  focus the  need  for effective policies  for equitable distribution of national  wealth  so that various  kinds  of  deprivations  faced  by  people  can be removed. The strategy of removing poverty has to be a comprehensive one and should not be restricted to taking note of only some of its more visible features.

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