Union Structure Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Industrial Relations - Union Structure


Indian Labour is represented by several different types of unions as following:

1. Craft unions

A craft union is one whose members do one kinds of work, frequently using training and specialised skills. It is horizontal in character as its members belong to a single procedure or group of procedures. A craft union enjoys powerful bargaining power as its members possess specialised skills that may not be simply replaced in case of a strike.

2. Industrial union

An industrial union is one that includes various persons working in the similar industry or company, regardless of jobs held. In nature it is vertical since it consists of all kinds of workers in an industry. An industrial union also enjoys powerful bargaining strength as it consists of both unskilled and skilled workers. The employer may seek it easy to negotiate with one union covering all of the workers instead of deal with some craft unions in case of a dispute.

3. General union

This type of union consists of workers employed in various industries and crafts within a specific city or region. In this case, all of the workers are equal and there is no distinction among unskilled and skilled workers. There is convenience in negotiations like the employer have not bargain with so many splintered groups. Of course, Workers become part of a vast crowd and the interests of an significant group many not be represented correctly.

There could be plant level unions, additionally to the above, where all of the workers in a factory or establishment join hands to defend their interests.

4. Federations

These are national level entitles to which plant level unions, industrial unions , craft unions, and general unions are affiliated. These are apex bodies which coordinating the affairs of many unions in their fold.

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