Trade Unions Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Industrial Relations - Trade Unions


A trade union is a formal association of employees that promotes and defend the interests of its members through collective action.  Under the Trade Union Act of 1926, the term is described as any combination, while permanent or temporary, formed primarily for the cause of regulating the relations among workers & employers, or for imposing limitation conditions on the conduct of any particular trade or business and includes any particular federation of two or more unions. Let us examine the definition in following parts:

  1. Trade union is an organization either of employees or employers or of independent workers.
  2. This is a relatively permanent formation of workers. It is not casual or temporary combination of workers. It is composed on a continuous basis.
  3. This is formed for securing certain economic (like better working, better wages and living conditions) and social (as, medical, recreational, educational, respect for individual) benefits to members. Collective power offers a sort of insurance cover to members to fight against arbitrary, irrational and illegal actions of employer. Members may share their feelings, exchange notes and fight against the employer quite in effect when he goes off the track
  4. This includes a federation of trade unions also.
  5. This emphasises joint, coordinated action and collective bargaining.
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