Functions of Trade Unions Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Industrial Relations - Functions of Trade Unions


The functions of trade unions might be divided into the following categories, which are following:

1. Militant or protective or intra-mutual functions

These functions include defending the workers' interests, for example providing more benefits, hike in wages, job security, etc. by through collective bargaining & direct action like strikes, gheraos, etc.

2. Fraternal or extra-mural functions

These functions comprise providing financial & non-financial assistance to workers during the time of strikes and lock outs, extension of medical facilities during causalities and slackness, provision of, recreational, recreation, education, and housing facilities, provision of social and religious benefits, etc.

3. Political functions

These functions involve affiliating the union to a political party, helping the political party in collecting donations, enrolling members, seeking the help of political parties during the time of strikes and lockouts.

4. Social functions

These functions include carrying out discharging social responsibilities through several sections of the society like educating the customers, social service activities.

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