Packaging Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Individual Product Decisions - Packaging


Packaging involves and producing and designing the wrapper or container for a product. The package can include the product's primary container (the tube holding Colgate toothpaste); a secondary package which is thrown away when the product is regarding to be used (the cardboard box having the tube of Colgate); and the shipping package essential to store, recognized, and ship the product (a corrugated box carrying six dozen tubes of Colgate toothpaste). Labelling printed information showing on or by the package is also part of packaging.

Customarily, the primary function of the package was to contain and defend the product. In current times, however, several factors have made packaging significant marketing tool. Amplified competition and clutter on retail store shelves means that packages have to now perform a lot of sales tasks-from attracting consideration, to describing the product, to making the sale. Companies start realizing the power of good packaging to make instant consumer recognition of the brand or company. Developing a good package for a new product needs making many decisions. Primary, the company have to establish the packaging concept, which states what the package might be or do for the product. Should it introduce a new dispensing method, chiefly offer product protection, recommend certain qualities regarding the product, or something else? Decisions then have to be made on specific elements of the package, like shape, size, text, materials, color, and brand mark. These elements have to work together to support the product's position and marketing strategy. The package has to be consistent with the product's advertising, distribution, and pricing.

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