Work, Power and Energy Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Impulse, Momentum, Work and Energy - Work, Power and Energy

Work, Power and Energy:


Work is said to be done by a force if, as a consequence of the application of the force, its point of application is displaced along some direction. this is measured by the product of the force and the distance moved in the direction of the force, that means

                                                                 W = F . s .

Generally, the force F and the displacement s of its point of application can not be in the same direction.


W = F . s = F s cos θ

here, θ is the angle among vectors, F and s.

The SI unit of work is termed as the Joule (J).

1 Joule = 1 Newton × 1 metre

           = 1 Newton-metre

            = 1 N-m.

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