Plan Editing and Parameters Selection Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Implementation of Variant Process Planning System - Plan Editing and Parameters Selection

Plan Editing and Parameters Selection

Before a process plan is ultimately released to the shop, some modification of the standard process plan is essential and process parameters should be added up to the plan. There are two kind of plan editing- one is the editing of the standard plan itself in the database and the other is the editing of the plan for the component. Editing the standard plan implies permanent modification in the stored plan. This should be implemented only after deliberating upon its implications on the standard plan for the whole family of components.

Editing a process plan for a component involves temporary change and hence does not affect any other component of the family. Throughout the editing process, the standard plan needs to be modified to suit the specific needs of the given component. Some operations or whole OP records have to be eliminated and others changed. Additional operations might also be required to satisfy the design. Usually A text editor is used at this stage.

A complete process plan should also include process parameters. Process parameter values, for example cutting speed, feed, etc. might be found in machining data hand books or calculated by using optimisation techniques.

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