Wastewater Reuse for Agriculture and Aquaculture Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Impact Of Wastewater And Stormwater - Wastewater Reuse for Agriculture and Aquaculture

Wastewater Reuse for Agriculture and Aquaculture

Treated wastewater from a treatment plants can be reused for irrigation of parks and gardens, horticulture and agriculture, aquaculture and tree plantation, if these exist or could be established not far from the wastewater treatment plants. For these reasons the wastewater should generally be treated to secondary wastewater standard (< 20 mg/L BOD and < 30 mg/L SS). Total coliforms should be < 1000 organisms per 100 mL for irrigation through spraying. While sub-surface irrigation is used this needs might not be essential. Land application for treatment of wastewater described in (slow rate land application and grass filtration) while combined with growing of grasses for grazing through sheep or cattle.

Wastewater reuse for aquaculture has been practiced in several countries for a considerable period of time. It has the potential of wider application in the tropics. A combination of wastewater for irrigation and aquaculture is also an option that can be considered.


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