Clonal Selection and Affinity Maturation
In order to imitate artificial immune systems idea in optimization, the affinity idea is transferred to fitness or constraint satisfaction and objective function evaluation. Now, antigens show constraints and the antibody-antigenic affinity concern to the extent of constraint satisfaction that is higher the satisfaction of constraints more is the affinity. In addition, one along with best value of the corresponding objective attains fitness value or larger affinity, if two solutions equally satisfy their constraints. Knowledge of the immune system comprises raising the population affinity and size of those lymphocytes such has proven them to be valuable by having known any of antigen. A diagrammatic view of Antigen-binding sites is shown in diagram.

Figure: Antigen-Binding Sites
In the lifetime of an individual, its immune system or IS might be exposed to a described antigen repeatedly. The primary exposure to an antigen such stimulates an adaptive immune response is handled via a spectrum of little clones of B cells, all producing antibody along with various affinity. The immune response' effectiveness to secondary encounters is considerably developed by storing several high affinity antibody generating or producing cells from the first infection or memory cells, consequently as to form a large first high affinity clone for subsequent encounters. It is an intrinsic scheme of a reinforcement learning strategy, here the system is continuously enhancing its ability to complete its task or recognize antigens.