Sawtooth Generation using Monostable Multivibrator:
A modified form of the basic monostable multivibrator is illustrated in Figure where the capacitor C0 charges linearly through the current source comprising of the transistor R0 - RA - RB combination.

Figure: A Modified Form of Monostable Circuit for Sawtooth Generation
The several waveforms exploring the operation of this circuit are illustrated in Figure

Figure: Various Waveforms for the Monostable Multivibrator
I0 = IC ≅ I E (( V cc - V e )/ R0
Neglecting base current, we may write
V BE = V2 -( R B /( RA - RB ) V cc
V e = V BE + RB /RA + RB) Vcc
Since I0 = V cc - Ve /R0 = 1/R0 - { Vcc -{VBE + ( RB/RA+RB)Vcc )
I0 = { (V cc ( RA /RA+RB )- VBE /R0)]
Since Q = C0 Vc, we may write
dQ/ dt = C0 , dv/ dt
I0 / C0 = dVc/ dt
If T = time taken by the capacitor to charge to a voltage2/3 Vcc, this is found to be
T = {(2/3) Vcc -0}/ dVc /dt =2Vcc C0 /3I0
T = ((2/3) 2 C0 R0 V cc )/ { Vcc RA / (RA + RB )- V BE