Grievance Handling Assignment Help

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Grievance Handling


Every worker has certain expectations which he thinks have to be fulfilled by the organisation in which he is working for. While the organisation fails to do this, feeling of discontent or dissatisfaction is developed. While an employee realize that something is unfair in the organisation, he is said to have a complaint.

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According to Jucius, a grievance is "any dissatisfaction or discontent, , whether valid or not, whether expressed or not arising out of anything linked with the company which a worker thinks, believes or even feels to be, unjust , unfair or inequitable."

Advantages of having Grievance Handling Procedure Causes of Grievances
Discharge and Dismissal - Seperation Forms of Grievances
Guidelines of Handling Grievances Lay-Off - Seperation
Managing Dismissals and Seperations Resignation - Seperation
Retirement - Seperation Retrenchment - Seperation
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