Low Losses and Improved Voltage Profile
The comparison of current, losses and voltage drop for the distribution of the similar power by HT and LT systems is presented in Table. We have considered 100 as the base value for LT system. From the table, you could see that for the distribution of the similar power, technical losses and voltage drop are much less in HT distribution system while compared to LT distribution systems.
Table: Comparison of Current, Voltage Drop and Power Losses for Power Distribution through HT and LT Distribution Systems

LT distribution systems are simply accessible and prone to pilferage and the use of HVDS decreases the chances of theft of electricity to a extremely low level. Now-a-days, utilities are installing meters at the HT transformer itself to ascertain commercial losses on in which particular transformer. In sum, the HT distribution system has the subsequent advantages:
- Use of small size ACSR or aluminum alloy conductor or high conductivity steel wire;
- Better voltage profile;
- Reduced line losses; and
- Reduced commercial losses.