The Rent Extraction-Efficiency Trade-Off:
The Optimal Contract Under Asymmetric Information
In the optimum, the incentive compatibility and participation constraints must bind. To solve the problem, let us first consider contracts without shutdown, such that q > 0 and try to eliminate the irrelevant conditions. Note that the 8-agent's participation constraint is always strictly- satisfied. Indeed, immediately imply seems irrelevant because the difficulty comes from a -agent willing to claim that she is inefficient rather than efficient. When these are taken into account, we are left with only two remaining constraints, viz., the -agent's incentive compatible constraint and the θ-agent's participation constraint (4.24). Both constraints must be binding at the optimum of the principal's problem.
![341_Rent Extraction-Efficiency Trade-Off.png](
Substituting (4.25) and (4.26) into the principal's, objective function, we obtain a reduced form of the problem (P') with outputs as the only choice variables:
![1710_Rent Extraction-Efficiency Trade-Off1.png](
If we recall the solution obtained in case of full information setting, it can be seen that the asymmetric information has changed the principal's optimisation simply by the subtraction of the expected rent that has to be given up to the efficient type. The inefficient type gets no rent, but the efficient type 8 gets information rent that she could obtain by mimicking the inefficient type θ.
Such a rent depends only on the level of production requested from this inefficient type.
The first order conditions are then given by
![622_Rent Extraction-Efficiency Trade-Off2.png](
The second of the above equations, i.e., (4.28) expresses the important trade- off between efficiency and rent extraction which arises under asymmetric information.
To validate our approach based on the sole consideration of the efficient type's incentive compatible constraint, it is necessary to check that the omitted incentive compatible constraint of an inefficient agent is satisfied. i.e.,
This latter inequality follows from the second-best schedule of outputs since we have
with a downward output distortion for the inefficient type,
with ![1197_Rent Extraction-Efficiency Trade-Off5.png](
We have said above that the complete information optimal contract (A*, B*) was not incentive compatible. Let us now construct a diagram with an incentive compatible contract (B*, C).
![2197_Rent Extraction-Efficiency Trade-Off8.png](
See that it has the same production levels by giving a higher transfer to the agent producing q* as shown in Figure. It can be seen that the contract C is on the θ -agent's indifference curve passing through B*. Hence, the θ-agent is now indifferent between B* and C. (B*; C) becomes an incentive compatible menu of contracts.