The Complete Information Optimal Contract:
First-Best Production Levels
To start with a simpler framework, let us first suppose that there is no asymmetry of information between the principal and the agent. By equating the principal's marginal value and the agent's marginal cost, we get the efficient solution levels. So, first-order conditions are
![1661_Complete Information Optimal Contract.png](
With complete information, efficient production levels - q* and q'should be both carried out if their social values, respectively
are non-negative. Since
![320_Complete Information Optimal Contract3.png](
by definition of θ and θ > θ', the social value of production when the agent is efficient, W*, is greater than when she is inefficient, namely, W* . The trade is carried out as long as production is socially valuable for the least efficient type,
![2429_Complete Information Optimal Contract4.png](
As we enter into trade the fixed cost F does not have any role other than justiGing the existence of a single agent. You can set it to zero from now. In addition, since the principal's marginal value of output is decreasing, the optimal production of an efficient agent is greater than that of an inefficient agent. i.e.. q* > q'*.