General Safety Precautions Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Hazards of Chemicals and Gases - General Safety Precautions

General Safety Precautions:

Corrosives are available within numerous forms and varying concentrations.   A few forms and concentrations are more hazardous than others, other than the potential for serious accidents exist regardless of the substance within question.

Several of the safety precautions essential for safe handling and storage are evenly applicable to acids and alkalies. A few of the more general precautions are holds in this section.  Those precautions are not all inclusive, nor are they meant to be.  Exact corrosives might needs specific precautions, and MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) must be consulted in all cases.

Safety in handling hazardous chemicals depends to a huge extent upon effectual employee education, intelligent supervision, proper safety practices, and the use of safe equipment. Workers should be thoroughly informed of the hazards which might consequence from improper handling. Every employee should know what to do in an emergency and should be fully known about proper first-aid measures.  Hazards from spills and leaks should be minimized through an adequate supply of water for washing-down. Drainage of diked areas or hard-surfaced should be directed to minimize the exposure of equipment and personnel.  Adequate ventilation should be given in fields whereas chemical mist or dust is present.

Alkalies Cylinders
Handling barrels Natural ventilation
Power trucks Removal from exposure
Use of personal protective equipment
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