Resignation - Seperation Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Grievance Handling - Resignation - Seperation


An employee might decide to quit an organisation voluntarily on professional or personal grounds as getting a better job, wanting to spend more time with family, changing careers, or leisure activities. Alternatively, the decision could be traced to the employee's displeasure along the present job, working conditions, pay or colleagues. Sometimes an employee might be forced to quit the organisation forcibly on grounds of negligence of duty, misuse of funds, insubordination etc. Unlike voluntary separation, the resignation in this case is initiated by the employer. If the employee refuses to give up, he might have to face disciplinary action.

While employees resign or quit an organisation, there shall be a certain amount of disruption to the usual flow of work. Replacing an experienced & talented person cannot be simple in a short span of time. Training new recruits would take time and might even prove to be a prohibitive exercise in terms of expenses. Therefore, the HR Department should examine the factors carefully behind resignations. While possible, exit interviews ought to be conducted to discover why a person has decided to call it a day. To obtain at the truth behind the curtain, departees have to be encouraged to speak frankly and openly. The interviewer has to ensure confidentiality of the information leaked out by the worker. The reason of the interview ought to be explained visibly and the interviewer has to listen to the departee's views, critical remarks patiently, opinions and sympathetically. Each attempt have to be made to make the parting of ways more pleasant (for example., conducting interview in a place where the worker is comfortable, giving a patient & sympathetic hearing to the worker, wishing him success after settling up all the dues, etc.) However ,There should be no attempt to (a) defend the company against attacks or criticism (b) justify actions which might have annoyed the worker (c) attack the departee's views or option of new company or job (d) convince the worker to change his mind regarding leaving etc.

Box 1: Possible Exit Interview Questions to Get to the 'Truth' Behind the Curtain


a)      Was the location comfortable? Was the working environment enjoyable? Were you respected as an individual?

b)      Was the job challenging? Satisfying? Did it add up value to you?

c)      What are the critical drawbacks and weaknesses of the organisation?

d)     Did you experience development in terms of level and responsibilities?

e)      What were the three positive points you saw in the organisation?

f)       Did you feel your boss/organisation provided you with sufficient freedom and space to allow your creativity to blossom?

g)      Did the organisation provide you with adequate inputs to grow as a professional?

h)      What changes would you like to see in this company if you were to reconsider joining it at some point of time in future?

i)        How does your new assignment/job compare with your assignment here, in terms of job, designation, specifications and compensation?

j)        Did the organisation treat you well after you decided to quit? Where did it go wrong?

k)      Would you like to join again the organisation? Why/why not?

l)        What are the two most influential reasons for your quitting?

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