Guidelines of Handling Grievances Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Grievance Handling - Guidelines of Handling Grievances

Guidelines  For  Handling  Grievances  

The following guidelines might help a supervisor at the time of dealing with grievances. He don't require to follow all these steps in every case. It is enough to keep these views in mind whilst handling grievances (W. Baer, 1970).

  1.   Treat each of case as significant and get the grievance in writing.
  2.   Talk directly to the employee. Encourage him to speak the truth. Provide him a patient hearing.
  3.   Discuss in a private place. Ensure confidentiality, if essential.
  4.   Handle each of case within a time frame.
  5.   Examine company provisions in each of case. Recognize violations, if any. Do not hold back the remedy if the company is incorrect. Inform your superior regarding all grievances.
  6.   Obtain all relevant facts about the grievance. Inspect the personal record of the aggrieved employee. See whether any witnesses are available. Visit the work area. The idea is to seek where things have gone erroneous and who is at fault.
  7.   Collect information from the union representative, what he must say, what he wants, etc. Give brief replies, uncovering the truth as well as provisions. Treat him appropriately.
  8.   Control your remarks, your emotions, and behaviour.
  9.   Maintain correct records and follow up the action taken in each of case.
  10.   If possible be proactive. Companies as VSP, NALCO in fact invite workers to ventilate freely their grievances, listen to the other side patiently, discuss the reasons why the difficulty arose and redress the grievances promptly.
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