Forms of Grievances Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Grievance Handling - Forms of Grievances


A grievance might take any one of the following forms: (i) factual, (ii) imaginary, (iii) disguised.

1. Factual

A factual grievance occurs when legitimate needs of employees remain unfulfilled, for example wage hike has been agreed but not implemented citing several reasons.

2. Imaginary

While an employee's dissatisfaction is not because of any valid cause but because of a wrong attitude, wrong perception, or wrong information he contain. Such a situation might create an imaginary grievance. Though management is not at mistake in such instance, still it must apparent the 'fog' immediately.

3.  Disguised

A worker may have dissatisfaction for cause that is unknown to him. If he/ she are under pressure from relatives, family neighbours, friends he/she might reach the work spot along a heavy heart. If a new recruit obtain a new table and almirah, this might become an eyesore to other workers who have not been treated similarly previously.

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