Causes of Grievances Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Grievance Handling - Causes of Grievances


Grievances might occur for a number of reasons which are following:

1. Economic

Wage fixation, bonus, overtime, wage revision, etc. Employees might feel that they are paid less while compared to others.

2. Work environment

Poor physical conditions of workplace, defective tools, tight production norms, and equipment, , unfair rules, poor quality of materials, lack of recognition, etc.

3. Supervision

Associate to the attitudes of the supervisor towards the worker such as perceived notions of bias, , nepotism, favoritism ,  regional feelings, caste affiliations etc.

4. Work group

Worker is unable to adjust with his colleagues; victimisation and becomes an object of humiliation and ridicule, suffers from feelings of neglect, etc.

5.  Miscellaneous

These include issues associating to certain violations in respect of promotions, security methods, , disciplinary rules, transfer, , granting leave, fines ,medical facilities, etc.

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