Advantages of having Grievance Handling Procedure Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Grievance Handling - Advantages of having Grievance Handling Procedure


The following are some distinct advantages of having a grievances handling process:

a)      The management might know the employees' feelings and opinions regarding the company's policies and practices. It may feel the 'pulse' of the workers.

b)      With the existence of a grievance handling process, the employee obtains a chance to ventilate his feelings. He may let off steam through an official channel. Particular problems of workers cannot be resolved through first line supervisors, for these supervisors lack the expertise that the top management contain, by virtue of their professional experience and knowledge.

c)      It has a check on the supervisor's attitude and behaviour towards their subordinates. They are forced to listen to subordinates sympathetically and patiently.

d)     The morale of the workers will be high with the existence of correct grievance handling process. Employees may obtain their grievances redressed in a just manner.

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