Estimate speed range Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Governors - Estimate speed range

Estimate speed range:

The arms of a Porter governor are 25 cm long and pivoted on the governor axis. The mass of each of ball is given as 5 kg & mass on central load of the sleeve is equal to 30 kg. The radius of rotation of balls is equal to 15 cm at what time the sleeve begins to rise and attain a value of 20 cm for the maximum speed. Estimate speed range.


It is given that:

 Ball weight 'w' = 5 g N

 Central load 'W' = 30 g N

Arm length 'l' = 25 cm = 0.25 m

Minimum radius 'r1' = 15 cm = 0.15 m

Maximum radius 'r2' = 20 cm = 0.2 m

798_Estimate speed range.png

For k = 1.

2131_Estimate speed range1.png

By substituting values in equation (12.4)

1465_Estimate speed range2.png

ω1 = 18.5297 r/s   or   N1  = 176.9 rpm

687_Estimate speed range3.png

 ∴         w2  = 29.396 r/s   or  N2  = 204.32 rpm

 Speed range = N2 - N1 = 27.42 rpm.

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