Determine the Initial compression in the spring Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Governors - Determine the Initial compression in the spring

Determine the Initial compression in the spring:

In a Hartnell governor the radius of rotation is equal to 7 cm while speed is 500 rpm. At this speed, sleeve is at mid location and ball arm is normal. The sleeve movement is 2 cm along ± 5% of modification in speed. The mass of sleeve is 6 kg and friction is corresponding to 25 N at the sleeve. The mass of the ball is equal to 2 kg. If ball arm and sleeve arms are equivalent, determine the following,

 (1) Spring rate,

 (2) Initial compression in the spring, and

 (c) Governor effort and power for 1% modification in the speed if there is no friction.


Sleeve mass 'M' = 6 kg

Friction force 'f' = 25 N

Ball mass 'm' = 2 kg

?          a = b

Minimum radius r1 = 7 cm - 1 = 6 cm

Maximum radius r2 = 7 cm + 1 = 8 cm

ω= (2π× 500 )/60 = 52.36 r/s

Maximum speed = 10.05 ω = 1.05 × 52.36 = 54.98 r/s

Minimum speed = 0.95 ω = 0.95 × 52.36 = 49.74 r/s

By neglecting the influence of obliquity of arms.

472_Determine the Initial compression in the spring.png

(a)                                                                                    (b)

 At Minimum Radius

2407_Determine the Initial compression in the spring1.png

Or        2 × (49.74)2 × 0.06 × 2 = 6 g + S1 - 25

              593.78 = 58.86 + S1 - 25

Or        S1 = 559.92 N

At Maximum Radius

2FC2 = Mg + S2 + f

Or        2 × (54.98)2 × 0.08 × 2 = 6 g + S2  + 25

Or        S2 = 883.44 N

∴          Stiffness 's' = S2  - S1 / x

= 883.44 - 559.92/ 0.02

Or        S = 16175.81 N/m

Initial compression = S1 = 559.92 / 16175.81 = 0.035 m or   3.5 cm

Governor Effort and Power

2369_Determine the Initial compression in the spring2.png

Increased speed = 1.01 ω = 1.01 × 52.36 = 52.88 r/s

At         r = 0.07; 2 × 2 × (52.36)2 × 0.07 = 6 g + S

At increased speed, 2 × 2 × (52.88)2 × 0.07 = 6 g + 2 P + S

Here P is governor effort.

∴          2P = 2 × 2 × 0.07 {(52.88)2 - (52.36)2}

Or        P = 7.66 N

Assume the spring force equivalent to speed 52.88 r/s be S′.

∴          2 × 2 × (52.88)2 × 0.07 = 6 g + S ′

∴          (S ′ - S ) = 2 × 2 × 0.07 × {(52.88)2  - (52.36)2 }

                          = 15.32 N

Sleeve lift for 1% change = 15.32/ s

=          15.32/ 16175.81 = 9.47 × 10- 4 m

∴ Governor power = 7.66 × 9.47 × 10- 4

= 7.25 × 10- 3 Nm

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