Mann's Test for Weibull Distribution
A specific test for the Weibull (2-parameter) failure distribution is a test developed by Mann, Schafer and Singapurwalla [1974]. The hypotheses are following
H0 : The failure times are Weibull.
H1 : The failure times are not Weibull. The test statistic is

k1= [r/2]
k2= [(r-1)/2]
M i = zi +1 - zi
Zi = ln[- ln(1-i-0.5/ n+2.5)]
and [x] is the integer portion of the number x, is an approximation. If M < H, H0 is accepted and M > F then H1, is accepted. Values for F may be obtained from tables of the F-distribution, 2 k2 degrees of freedom for the numerator and 2 k1 degrees of freedom for the denominator. This test is for the two-parameter Weibull distribution. So if the alternative hypothesis is accepted, the three-parameter Weibull as well as other distribution should be considered. The data must be rank-ordered for the test statistic to be computed.