Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test
This test is applicable to both continuous and discrete distributions and may be used when the parameters of the distribution are estimated from the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs). The test is valid for large sample sizes only. The data must be grouped into classes.
Test Statistic is

Where k = Number of classes,
Oi = Observed number of failures (or repairs) in the ith class,
Ei = n pi = Expected number of failures (or repairs) in the ith class,
n = Total number at risk (sample size), and
pi = Probability of a failure occurring in the ith class if H0 is true.
The probabilities are based on the distribution stated in the null hypothesis. To ensure an approximate chi-square distribution, n Pi should be at least 5 for all i or use Sturge's rule. The test statistic, χ2 has a chi-square distribution with degrees of freedom equal to k - 1 - number of estimated parameters. Critical values are then obtained from Statistical Tables. On comparison, if calculated value is less than critical value, then we accept null hypothesis, otherwise we discard.