Precursors for gluconeogenesis Assignment Help

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Precursors for gluconeogenesis:

Glycerol can act as a substrate for glucose synthesis through conversion to dihydroxyacetone phosphate and an intermediate in gluconeogenesis.  In  order  for citric  acid  cycle pyruvate, lactate,  intermediates  and  the  carbon  skeletons  of most  amino  acids  to act as precursors  for gluconeogenesis and these  compounds must  first  be  transformed  to  oxaloacetate.  various  of  the  carbon  skeletons  of  the amino  acids  provide  increase  to oxaloacetate  straightly.  Others feed into the citric acid cycle as intermediates and the cycle then converts these molecules to oxaloacetate.  Lactate is converted to pyruvate through the lactate dehydrogenase reaction and some amino acids also provide increase to pyruvate.  Therefore,   for these precursors the first step in the gluconeogenic pathway is the conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate.

The steps in gluconeogenesis are as follows:

1. Pyruvate  is  converted  to  oxaloacetate  through  carboxylation  using  the  enzyme pyruvate carboxylase which is situated in the mitochondrial  matrix.

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This enzyme uses biotin as an trigger carrier of CO2 the reaction occurring in two stages:

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2. The  oxaloacetate  is now  acted  on through phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase that  concurrently  phosphorylates  and decarboxylates  it to form  PEP (phosphoenolpyruvate), releasing CO2  and using GTP in the procedure:

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Therefore, reversal of the glycolytic step from PEP to pyruvate needs two reactions in gluconeogenesis, pyruvate to oxaloacetate through pyruvate carboxylase and oxaloacetate to PEP through PEP carboxykinase.  Provide in which the conversion of PEP to pyruvate in glycolysis synthesizes ATP, it is not surprising which the whole reversal of this step required the input of a substantial amount of energy one ATP for the pyruvate carboxylase step and one GTP for the PEP carboxykinase step.

3. PEP is converted  to fructose  1,6-bisphosphate  in a series of steps which are a direct  reversal  of  those  in  glycolysis by  using  the  enzymes enolase, phosphoglycerate kinase, phosphoglycerate mutase, glyceraldehydes 3-phosphate triose,   aldolase and dehydrogenase  phosphate isomerase. This sequence of reactions uses one ATP and one NADH for every PEP molecule metabolized.

4. Fructose 1, 6-bisphosphate is dephosphorylated to form fructose 6-phosphate through the enzyme fructose 1 and 6-bisphosphatase in the given reaction:

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5. Fructose 6-phosphate is converted to glucose 6-phosphate through the glycolytic enzyme phosphoglucoisomerase.

6. Glucose 6-phosphate is converted to glucose through the enzyme glucose 6- phosphatase.  That enzyme is bound to the smooth endoplasmic catalyzes and reticulum the reaction:

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