Data Input Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> General Interaction - Data Input

Data Input

Many of the user's time are spent picking commands typing data and otherwise giving system input. In much application the keyboard remains in the primary input medium but digitizer the mouse and even voice recognition systems are quickly becoming effectual alternatives. The following guidelines focus on data input:

Minimize the number of input actions required of the user. Above all reduce the amount of typing which is needed. This can be accomplished through using the mouse to select from predefined groups of input using sliding scale to specify input data across a range of values and using macros which enable a single keystroke to be transformed into a more complex collection of input data.

Maintain consistency among information display and data input. By The visual characteristics of the display example for text size, color, and placement should be carried over to the input domain.

Allow the user to customize input. An expert user might decide to build dispense or custom commands with some kinds of warning messages and action verification. Only The HCI should allow this.

Interaction should be flexible but also tuned to the user's preferred mode of input. User model will assist in determining that mode of input is chosen. A clerical worker might be very happy with keyboard input although a mange might be more comfortable using a point and pick device like as a mouse.

Deactivate commands that are inappropriate in the context of current actions. This protects the user from attempting similar action which could result in an error.

Let the user control the interactive flow. User should be able to jump unnecessary actions change the order of needed actions when possible in the circumstance of a recover and application from error conditions without exiting from the program.

Provide help to assist with all input actions;

Eliminate "Mickey mouse" input. Do not need the user to specify units for engineering input unless there may be ambiguity. Do not need the user to type .00 for overall number dollar amounts provide default values whenever never and possible needs the user to enter information which can be acquired computed or automatically within the program.


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