Brouwers fixed-point theorem:
The cumbersome process of arriving at the equilibrium price led to addition of other methods. Brouwer's fixed-point theorem is one of the tools used. It states:
Any continuous mapping [F(x)] of a closed, bounded, convex set into itself has at least one fixed point (x*) such that F(x*) = x*
To understand the statement, suppose that f(x) is a continuous function defined in the interval [0, 11 and that it takes on values on the interval [0,1]. Such a function then obeys the conditions of Brouwer's theorem that there exists some x* such that f(x*) = x*. Look at Figure to understand the idea.
It can be seen from the figure that any function, which is continuous, has to cross the 45' line somewhere. The point of crossing is a fixed point, since f maps this point (x*) into itself

The fixed-point theorem of Brouwer is developed by considering mapping defined on certain types of sets. These set are required to be closed, bounded and convex. While applying the theorem to the exchange model, we have outlined above, you have to choose a suitable way to normalizing prices. If we consider the form of normalisation.

and remember that at least one of the prices is non-zero, such transformed prices have the characteristics that
Now the task is to construct a continuous function that transforms one set of prices into another. The function is defined such that equilibrium is achieved by increasing the prices of goods that have excess demand while reducing those with excess supply.
Define mapping F(P) such that

In order to ensure that new prices will be nonnegative, the mapping of F is either positive or zero. To include this condition, often we write, F'(P) = Max[Pi + EDi(P),O]. Moreover, the normalisation must satisfy the condition

Application of Brouwer's Theorem:
With the above-mentioned normalisation process, there exists a point (P*) that mapped into itself and

The key requirement for the existence of a Walrasian equilibrium is continuity of the aggregate excess demand function. This is the case if consumer preferences are convex.