Estimate forces on the shaft Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Gear Force Analysis - Estimate forces on the shaft

Estimate forces on the shaft:

A bevel gear train contains two gears. The pressure angle of the gear pair is 20o. The torque input to the gear 2 is as 8 kN cm. The gear train is illustrated in Figure 9. Estimate forces on the shaft at A & B, the bearings A & C take side thrusts.

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         Figure 9



Torque input 'Ti' = 8 kN cm = 8000 N cm

Pitch cone angle for the pinion

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or         γ2  = 36.87o

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Taking moments around the Z-axis at point B

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        Figure 10

Taking moments around Y-axis passing through O

2028_Estimate forces on the shaft6.png

The components at the bearing A & B have been calculated. If obligation arises their resultant also may be calculated.

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